Top university leaders discuss strategies for tackling upcoming complex crises at Seoul forum

By Kim Joo-heon Posted : December 23, 2024, 15:30 Updated : December 26, 2024, 17:18
Panelists discuss at the 2025 Aju Economic Future Outlook Forum held at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido Seoul on the morning of December 23 2024 AJP Yoo Dae-gil
Participants discuss at the 'University Presidents' Future Forum 2025' at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, on Dec. 23, 2024. AJP Yoo Dae-gil
SEOUL, December 23 (AJP) - Leaders from South Korea's top universities in economics, technology, and law gathered in Seoul for a forum to discuss the challenges the country faces ahead of the new year.

Under the theme "Renovation and Revolution of Korea," the University Presidents' Future Forum 2025 brought together leaders from prestigious institutions, including KAIST, Seoul National University (SNU), and Yonsei University.

The event at the National Assembly in Seoul's financial district of Yeouido kicked off at 9 a.m. with Hyun Oh-seok, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, moderating the discussions.

"The world is at a historical turning point," Hyun said, adding that the South Korean government must make every effort to manage uncertainty and provide a reliable compass to economic agents through renovation and revolution strategies.
23일 오전 서울 여의도 국회 의원회관에서 열린 2025 아주경제 미래 전망 총장 포럼에서 좌장을 맡은 현오석 전 경제부총리가 발언을 하고 있다 20241223사진유대길 기자 dbeorlf123ajunewscom
Hyun Oh-seok, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance speaks at the 'University Presidents' Future Forum 2025' at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul, on Dec. 23, 2024. AJP Yoo Dae-gil

Jeong Kap-young, an expert in international economics and the former president of Yonsei University, pointed to the decline in Korea's potential growth rate, citing research institutes that predict it will fall below 2 percent starting next year. He attributed social conflict and polarization, driven by fandom-based politics, as key factors. Jeong stressed the need for evidence-based, think tank-driven policies to replace this approach with a more rational, depoliticized society.

Lee Kwang-hyung, president of KAIST, argued that loosening regulations is key to staying competitive in the global race for technology. He highlighted how excessive emphasis on bioethics and privacy protection is holding Korea back, citing examples such as the requirement to obtain government approval a month in advance for drone operations. Lee also emphasized that AI semiconductor technology, energy technology, and advanced biotechnology are crucial in determining global power dynamics between nations.

Sung Nak-in, a law expert and the former SNU president, proposed a dual executive system, where the president is elected directly by voters, and the government is required to step down if it no longer has the backing of parliament. He criticized the current state of political polarization, arguing that it has led to irresponsible party politics driven by extreme partisanship, power struggles focused on maintaining control rather than policy competition, and a divisive culture of hatred that makes cooperation difficult.
23일 오전 서울 여의도 국회 의원회관에서 열린 2025 아주경제 미래 전망 총장 포럼에서 패널들이 토론을 하고 있다 사진 왼쪽부터 이광형 KAIST카이스트 총장 정갑영 전 연세대학교 총장 현오석 전 경제부총리 성낙인 전 서울대학교 총장 20241223사진유대길 기자 dbeorlf123ajunewscom
From left, Lee Kwang-hyung, president of KAIST, Jeong Kap-young, former president of Yonsei University, Hyun Oh-seok, former Deputy Prime Minister, and Sung Nak-in, former president of Seoul National University. AJP Yoo Dae-gil

There was also a debate between Koo and Lee Chan-hee, a senior adviser at law firm Yulchon. Lee expressed concerns about AI's potential impact on the legal and medical professions, where experts are resistant to AI integration due to control over specialized knowledge. Koo emphasized that AI, when properly regulated, could enhance productivity and complement human expertise in such fields.

The event was jointly organized by AJP and the Aju Business Daily. The conference took place amid South Korea's political turmoil and economic crisis following President Yoon Suk Yeol's aborted declaration of martial law earlier this month.
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