Sharp unveils electric vehicle prototype with living room-like interior

By AJP Posted : September 18, 2024, 12:57 Updated : September 18, 2024, 12:57
This photo shows Sharp Corps electric vehicle EV LDK+ both the exterior and the interior Courtesy of Sharp Corp
This photo shows Sharp Corp.'s electric vehicle (EV) LDK+, both the exterior and the interior. Courtesy of Sharp Corp.
SEOUL, September 18 (AJP) - Sharp Corp., a Japanese electronics manufacturer, revealed its inaugural electric vehicle (EV) prototype on Tuesday, featuring a spacious interior design reminiscent of a living room.

The vehicle, named "LDK+," was developed in collaboration with Sharp's parent company, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., and Kyoto-based EV startup Folofly. It boasts a 65-inch display screen in the rear, capable of transforming the vehicle into a mobile entertainment center.

Sharp officials said that the company intends to commence sales of the EV "within several years." The prototype also incorporates liquid crystal shutters on the side windows, which can be rendered opaque to enhance passenger privacy.

Toshihiko Osada, a Sharp executive overseeing the vehicle's development, explained, "We want our customers to use it like it is their living room or personal office."

In a related move, Sharp announced in June its plans to repurpose part of its Osaka Prefecture plant, previously dedicated to large LCD panel production, into one of Asia's largest artificial intelligence data centers. This initiative, along with the EV project, underscores Sharp's efforts to diversify and revitalize its business portfolio in the face of changing market dynamics.
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