China provides $3 million in aid to UN agency for Gaza relief

By AJU PRESS Posted : August 7, 2024, 09:42 Updated : August 7, 2024, 09:43
The central city of Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip was bombed by the Israeli military on July 27 AFP-Yonhap
The central city of Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip is seen after a bombing attack by the Israeli military on July 27, 2024. AFP-Yonhap
SEOUL, August 7 (AJU PRESS) -China made a donation of $3 million last week to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to assist with urgent humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

A contribution agreement was signed between Zeng Jixin, who heads the Office of the People's Republic of China to the State of Palestine, and Antonia Marie De Meo, Deputy Commissioner General (Operational Support) of the UNRWA, according to a statement from the office.

Zeng emphasized China's ongoing support for UNRWA's mission and urged the global community to back the agency's work. He noted that China had previously offered emergency financial aid to UNRWA following the onset of the Gaza conflict last year.

Zeng also stated that China would continue to promote its Global Security Initiative and collaborate with other nations to swiftly end the Gaza conflict, improve the dire humanitarian situation, and advance the two-state solution.

Speaking for UNRWA, De Meo expressed appreciation for China's steady support, describing the contribution as crucial. She also indicated a desire to enhance cooperation with China to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
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