Event honors veterans on Korean War anniversary in Daegu

By Im Yoon-seo Posted : June 25, 2024, 16:03 Updated : June 25, 2024, 16:04
President President Yoon Suk Yeol is delivering the commemorating speech at 74th anniversary event of korean war on June 25th at Daegu expo korea Courtesy of Yonhap
President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks at an event to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Korean War in Daegu on June 25, 2024. Yonhap
SEOUL, June 25 (AJU PRESS) - An event commemorating the 74th anniversary of the Korean War was held in Daegu on Tuesday. About 1,300 participants including President Yoon Suk Yeol, military brass, government officials and distinguished foreign guests gathered in the southeastern city to honor the sacrifices of war veterans and their families.

Hosted by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, the annual event to remember the 1950-53 Korean War took place outside of Seoul for the first time. Daegu was chosen mainly due to its symbolic status as a temporary capital during the war and its significance as the site of several pivotal battles, such as the Battle of Pohang, which turned the tide of the war.
Participants of 74th event is singing national anthem 25일 대구 엑스코에서 열린 6·25전쟁 제74주년 행사에서 참석자들이 애국가를 부르고 있다 왼쪽부터 강정애 국가보훈부 장관 홍준표 대구광역시장 조태열 외교부 장관 신원식 국방부 장관 박안수 육군참모총장 이영수 공군참모총장
Participants attend an event to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Korean War in Daegu on June 25, 2024. From left, Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Kang Jung-ai, Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Choe Tae-yul, Defense Minister Shin Won-sik and other ministry officials. Yonhap
The event highlighted those who risked their lives to defend their country and rebuild South Korea from the ashes of the war. A video clip and performances were also showcased to raise awareness of the importance of defending freedom, instilling messages for future generations.

"The government will do its best to properly treat war veterans with respect," Yoon said in his opening address at the event. He also stressed that South Korea will "maintain a firm military readiness" to respond to any provocations by North Korea.

"We should never forget the great sacrifices of war heroes, who laid the foundation for the country's remarkable growth," said Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Kang Jung-ai.

The government plans to hold the annual ceremony in different regions every year.
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