[Courtesy of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering ]
SEOUL -- Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, a major shipbuilder in South Korea, will carry out a joint study with a national university on technologies to reduce anthropogenic noise that has threatened underwater wildlife, responding to an international campaign to tighten relations on marine environmental protection.
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) said that its joint research with Mokpo National Maritime University is expected to advance noise prediction evaluation technologies such as computer simulation because access to data on radiation noise reduction technology has been extremely limited for defense secuity and other reasons.
DSME, involved in the construction of attack submarines, said it would utilize advanced water tank facilities and equipment measuring underwater radiated noise, along with a practice ship operated by Mokpo National Maritime University, for their joint research.
Marine mammals and fish use hearing as their primary sense and are highly dependent upon the sound for navigation, communication, finding food, reproduction and hazard detection. Concerns about the potential impact of human-induced noise on marine fauna prompted the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to release guidelines for the reduction of underwater radiated noise.
Various methods have been studied to reduce noise generated by propeller cavitation. South Korean shipbuilders have tried to develop technologies for monitoring and reducing underwater radiated noise from commercial shipping.
In March 2021, a 115,000-ton crude carrier built by South Korea's Hyundai shipbuilding group with underwater radiated noise reduction technology received regulation certification from DNV, an accredited registrar and classification society based in Norway. This was the first time a cargo ship has obtained regulation certification related to underwater radiated noise.
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