[Aju News DB]
SEOUL -- Chatbot services using AI technology will cover about 30 percent of the work at all call-in help desks of South Korean web service giant Kakao.
Chatbot, or also known as chatterbot, is an AI chatting application which answers to questions in text. Sometimes chatbots provide preset answers but nowadays they use AI to find the most appropriate answer.
"We are developing chatbots which can cover ARS (auto route selection) phone calls or answer to FAQ (frequently asked questions) on websites or chatting applications," a Kakao official told reporters on Friday, predicting chatbots would cover about 30 percent of Kakao's call-in helpline work including call centers.
Kakao said its chatbot service is already covering about 10 percent of its call center workload.
Chatbots will be useful in other services such as Kakao Bank, an online bank, the company said. I plans to introduce a new chatbot service for Kakao Bank later this year but its work area will be limited to answering simple questions..
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