Ambassador to Ethiopia faces probe over sexual harassment

By 임장원 Posted : July 19, 2017, 18:40 Updated : July 19, 2017, 18:40

[Photo by Yoo Dae-gil =]

​A team of foreign ministry investigators will visit Ethiopia soon for a probe into allegations that South Korea's ambassador there was involved in sexual harassment while drinking with female interns.

Ambassador Kim Moon-hwan will be probed over allegations that he had sexually harassed female interns from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), a state organization which implements South Korea's grant aid programs for developing countries, a ministry official said.

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha has expressed deep regret at a separate case involving a senior diplomat in Ethiopia, describing it as "very deplorable". The ministry said earlier that the diplomat was questioned over allegations he had raped a contracted female worker at his home.

The case came after a diplomat in charge of cultural affairs at South Korea's foreign mission in Chile was expelled and indicted for making improper physical contact with a teenage girl during a Korean-language session in September last year.

Lim Chang-won =
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