Two elderly criminal buddies arrested for pickpocketing

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 21, 2017, 13:49 Updated : April 21, 2017, 13:52


An adventurous team play by two elderly pickpocket masters came to an end in January when they were caught while stealing a wallet from a bus passenger, police said Friday.

The two old crooks identified by their surnames Ryu, 73, and Kim, 78, recognized each other's professions on their first sight.  With more than 10 criminal records each, they agreed to team up and pickpocket in crowded buses, subway stations and markets.

The two worked a perfect duo with Kim distracting attention from their target and Ryu opening bags or stealing wallets. Investigators said the crooks were able to steal wallets unnoticed because people did not give much attention to their activities.

When they were arrested in January, the duo shared about 520,000 won (457 US dollars) worth of cash they stole from a passenger.

Park Sae-jin =

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