[Courtesy of 20th Century Fox]
20th Century Fox, the filmmaker of a recent hit movie "Deadpool" is reportedly skipping Comic-Con to prevent leaks of trailers and movie information.
According to a report by a media outlet, The Wrap, 20th Century Fox is stepping back from Comic-Con due to concerns that the filmmaker will not be able to prevent their exclusive trailers from leaking.
Although 20th Century Fox has not yet announced the company's official decision, already many comic fans despair over The Wrap's report in thoughts of they may never get to see the Comic-Con exclusive trailers for upcoming movies- Assassin's Creed, a Wolverine sequel, and the next X-Men film.
Many experts of the industry foresee that since 20th Century Fox do not necessarily need to run promotional events for those films since they already have strong fan-base and its ticket power is guaranteed.
Comic-Con is a festival which is focused on comics, games, animations, and toys. Thousands of people gather in San Diego every July to celebrate and share information. Also, the world's largest sub-culture party is the favorite places for filmmakers to hold promotional event by releasing exclusive, Comic-Con dedicated trailers and video clips.
But on the contrary, Comic-Con is also infamous for footage and video leaks. Last year, Warner Bros released a Comic-Con trailer for "Suicide Squad", an anti-hero film and 20th Century Fox, "Deadpool". The trailers for both films have been leaked online and the filmmakers were nearly forced to introduce the films officially thereafter.
Aju News Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com
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