Korean men do least housework among OECD countries

By Park Sae-jin Posted : December 7, 2015, 16:03 Updated : December 7, 2015, 16:03

[Namkoong JIn-woong = timeid@ajunews.com]

According to a study result by Korean National Statistical Office, released on Monday, Korean male does 45 minutes of housework daily. The hours were the lowest among countries of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The study showed that Denmark’s men did the most housework with an average of 186 minutes a day. Norway was Second on the list with 184 minutes and Australia on third with 172 minutes. Housework is chores done at homes such as washing clothes, cleaning dishes, mopping floors and babysitting. 

An average time for Korean women taken to do housework was 227 minutes, which was 182 minutes longer than men’s.

Soon after the results were released, arguments fired up in the web. Some people complained that Korean men work more than women, which leads to lack of time to do housework. Others claimed that housework is a series of chores which both men and women should equally take part in.

The claims of some are actually true. Korean men work an average of 9.3 hours day, it’s 2,325 hours a year. The numbers are higher than Mexico’s men. Mexican men work 2,228 hours a year, which the longest average working hours in the world.

The study shows Korean women work about an average of one hour less a day compared to men. However the public opinion is, just because men work more than women, housework should not be concentrated on the former gender.

아주경제 박세진 기자 = swatchsjp@ajunews.com
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