South Korean actress Chu Ja-hyun says she has been in romantic relationship with Chinese singer and actor Yu Xiaoguang

By Park Sae-jin Posted : September 16, 2015, 16:37 Updated : September 16, 2015, 16:37


South Korean actress Chu Ja-hyun said Wednesday that she has been in a romantic relationship with Chinese actor Yu Xiaoguang.

"Thank you, thank you and thank you again. You are the nicest person among people in the world I know. Thank you for loving me! @Yu Xiaoguang," Chu wrote in a posting in Chinese on her Weibo account with a picture of them. Weibo is the Chinese version of Twitter. 

Yu admitted their romantic relationship, by posting Chu's message on his Weibo account. Yu is two years younger than Chu. 

The two first met in 2012 when they filmed a Chinese drama, titled "마랄여우적행복시광 (麻辣女友的幸福時光)," local media reports said. 
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