Amanda Bynes arrested again for DUI

By Park Sae-jin Posted : September 30, 2014, 16:23 Updated : September 30, 2014, 16:23

[photo: Amanda Bynes Instagram]

Amanda Bynes (28) is back on her old habit again. She was arrested Sunday in Los Angeles for DUI. TMZ reported that the actress was on a stimulant however, the toxicology report was not released yet.

Bynes was pulled over by a CHP officer Sunday 3 a.m. while driving her Mercedes Benz, and taken to a police station to get tested. The actress stopped in the middle of the intersection of Van Nuys Blvd at a red light when the officer spotted her. She was posted $15,000 bail and was released Sunday afternoon. Her court date is scheduled on October 23.

Bynes is already on probation for DUI from 2012. She has been having many run-ins with the law as her mental state faltered. Until earlier this month, she was under conservatorship of her parents. As soon as it was over, she moved out and went back to her old habits.

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