Angelina Jolie makes top of 'Hollywood's Highest-Paid Actresses' on Forbes

By Park Sae-jin Posted : August 1, 2013, 09:04 Updated : August 1, 2013, 09:04
Angelina Jolie may have suffered from the unfortunate double mastectomy but this year overall has not been so unfortunate for her. Jolie grabbed the top of 'Hollywood's Highest-Paid Actresses' list on Forbes. Jolie earned the total of $33 million from June 2012 to June 2013.

Actress Lawrence followed Jolie with $26 million after the films 'The Hunger Games' and 'Silver Linings Playbook'.

'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart who topped the list last year with $34.5 million made only third this year with $22 million. After the 'Twilight' series ended and the embarrassing cheating scandal with a married director still not forgotten, Stewart's future does not seem so bright and many expected she will go down even further.

Jennifer Aniston made the fourth on the list with $20 million and Emma Stone made fifth with $16 million.

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