A photo of unborn baby reaching out from mother’s womb to grab a doctor’s finger during C-section

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 26, 2013, 10:00 Updated : April 26, 2013, 10:00

(Photo source/credit: A Classic Pin-Up Photography)

A photo that awed so many just officially became the most sensational baby photo of 2013.
Mystery of life can never fully be understood, and this photo sums it up.
At an Arizona hospital, Randy Atkins was anxiously waiting at the delivery room to welcome his first child.  In the room, his wife, Alicia, was going to through C-section. To document the precious moment, he snapped a photo without realizing what a mysterious and wondrous moment he captured.
 In the photo, it shows Randy’s unborn daughter—now named Nevaeh—reached out from Alicia’s womb and grabbed one of the doctors’ finger.
This photo went viral on Facebook receiving so many likes and shares.
The baby, Nevaeh, is now 3 months old.
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