Japan releasing contaminated water without notifying South Korea

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 10, 2011, 07:20 Updated : April 10, 2011, 07:20
Japan effused radioactive waste and contaminated water recently without notifying South Korea.

South Korea was shocked. On this issue, all South Korean political parties brought the problematic attitudes and capability (to manage crisis) of Japanese government.

Congressman Ahn, the chairperson of Grand National Party, said in the meeting of all government officials on Wednesday that “It is unfortunate” that Japan released radioactive waste without informing South Korean government. He added, “Out of courtesy and respect, Japan should have provided information on after-effect of contamination to their neighboring countries and informed Korea.”

Prime Minister of South Korea, Hwang-Sik Kim, raised an issue of the incapability of Japanese government on crisis managing skills on Thursday.

This comment moved Japan to inspect the intent of Prime Minister Kim’s remark. Also, Japan explained that before they released nuke waste, they got approval from U.S. government. According to Tokyo News, U.S. government rep expressed the need of cold shutdown by releasing contaminated water on April 1st, and U.S. would not object on it afterwards.

Later Japanese government officials said that they informed South Korean embassy in Japan.

(아주경제 권지혜 기자)
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