Who is Simon Bureau?

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 9, 2009, 22:05 Updated : April 9, 2009, 22:05

Simon Bureau currently serves as Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea(CCCK) and was vice-Chairman since 2004. He is also CEO of Vectis Corporation, Inc. in Korea and Canada.

He holds a B.B.A. from Bishop's University and a M.Sc. from I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales(HEC) in Montreal, where he has been a guest lecturer. A native of Sherbrooke, Quebec, he is bilingual in French and English.

Prior to founding Vectis, he worked with Canada's Teleglobe where he had responsibility for corporate development and business intelligence. He developed Teleglobe's strategic plan and analyzed opportunities in the Asia Pacific region. He has worked with the Asia-Pacific Group of NYNEX in New York City and for a major Korean industrial group in Seoul.

Simon is a regular speaker at international conferences including ITU Asia Telecom and 3GSM World Congress. He has been interviewed by CNN, CNBC and several others.

By Shin Kirim
신기림 기자 kirimi99@ajnews.co.kr
['아주경제' (ajnews.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지]

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